Meet some Extraordinary Avians
You’re invited discover a group of very special Amazar Avians that have taken form in the artists studio to play a role in forthcoming Amazar Tales ©.
Vist this page often as new Avians often flock here to introduce themselves

Giakara - The Gatekeeper
Birthing Giakara – In March of 2020, I searched my stash of found objects for components to use in creating and developing my next extraordinary Amazar Avian.
I created an armature using the broken discarded body of a vintage wood duck decoy. Wanting a stately figure with a commanding presence. I gathered together large used wood handle barbeque forks, old wooden thread spools, recycled wire, a pair of used wood serving trays, a belt buckle made for me 50 yrs. ago by an artist friend and polished boar tusks found while trekking through a northern Thailand native village.
Over the next 4 months it underwent numerous changes. reshaping it’s form, designing mechanisms that would allow it’s head to turn, wings to flap, incorporating more than a thousand feathers rendered from countless segments of deconstructed vintage leathers.
In August of 2020 it finally developed consciousness, communicating with me in flashes, stirring visions that gained in detail and attitude that would shape its identity and its tale.
Giakara called out to depths of the planet and asked that I create a landscape filled with sacred crystal blooms. The base was expanded with segments of small wood bowls and the vision began to take form. Cultivating leather Forever Gardens is a special form of landscape architecture. Once seed of a vision has been planted it is slowly massaged to life.
Selecting groups of small rainbow and quartz crystals from a treasure trove of gemstones gathered over the years they were bound to armatures of recycled wire rod and lengths thin stranded copper. Hundreds of stems, petals and leaves, rendered from a leather remnant hoard sprout from fingertips. Nurtured, they grow and spread over the surface of the workbench till ready for harvest and transplanting. Each variety placed in its idea eco-climate of light and shade, feeding off mystic energy flowing forth from geodes and sacred crystals,
GiaKara now stands at one of Earths sacred portals ready to guide others on their mission.

Marleekara, an Amazar Rastakarian Avian has arrived to celebrate the renewal of life and dance among the blossoms of a sacred crystal Forever Garden. As wings rise up and talons caress the earth to fill the air and permeate the soil with joyous pulsating vibrations, Marleekara’s head sways, calling to all whose hearts hold hope to embrace a world filled with wonder.

Ravenkara, an extraordinary Crystal beak Amazar Avian evokes elemental energies from the depths of the planet and the sacred Forever garden blooming beneath its wings.
Ravenkara’s feathers simmer with Energy gathered from the core of the planet. Through an ecosystem rising in each bade of grass. Sparking from each crystal bud in the Forever Garden. Pulsing from antlers shed long past and shells of dry seas. Flowing forth from ancient sacred crystals. Wrung from withered memories of forest sentinels. Patterns shift, rippling upon each feather as the energy caresses and empowers Ravenkara to action.

Chaikara – Life Bringer
To fan the embers of a decaying civilization, Chaikara the Life Bringer, an extraordinary Boarakora Amazar Avian flames forth to offer strength, hope and breathe new life into our efforts to rebuild and renew the planet.
The Boarakora species of Amazar Avians are very protective of the earth and it’s creatures. Their consciousness resonates at an energetic frequency able to pierce layers of despair, stimulate hope and promote the renewal of spirit.

The Empara are emissaries from Amazar.
As gifted empaths they are able to asses the spirit of the land and its inhabitants. Their exceptional size and endurance allows them to routinely wing their way through portals of time and space transporting information between the Grand Ammazar and flocks of Amazar Avians scattered across galactic universes.

Evinkara the Wise
Evinkara the Blue Beak sits on the Amazar High Council and helps direct Amazar’s mission to bring healing and hope to the inhabitants of Earth.
Blue Beak Avians are known as arbitrators of disputes and peacekeepers of the realm using their powers to soften anger and despair and mute the damage done by those ignorant of the consequences of their actions.

Mickara the Elder
Perched on a rare cluster of purple hued sacred crystals found deep within the folds of the mystic forest, Mickara the Elder, a Red Beak Avian, Protector and Guardian of the flock shares her time honored wit and wisdom to those seeking her counsel.
Expect her to make frequent appearance in forthcoming Amazar Tales.

Blue Beak Avians are Orators, they speak of things undone, of truths needing to be told, of missions yet to be accomplished. They are arbitrators of disputes, bringing together communities to help shift the course of the planet and bring hope to all who dwell on earth.

Sharkara the Farsighted
Sharp beaked, bold and cunning, Sharkara the Farsighted has the power to enhance vibrational energies of sacred crystals to renew and revive health of the planet.
Sharkara is an honored leader of the Amazar Megaloka species who have visited and protected earth and its creatures for centuries. Their energetic frequency is said to promote, strength, confidence and long life. Sage wisdom emanating from their broad beaks serves to bring calm to a troubled world.

Jimmykara an Amazar Rastakarian Avian takes wing seeking to bring people together no mater where they are. He travels a hard road, talking to those who sitting in limbo about a world upside down and offering hope.
If you really try, you can hear his call to save the planet echo through the hills, crossing many rivers and floating on the breeze. No mater where you are, if you gather your strength you can feel his vibration permeating the sky calling out, “ We are one”.

Malaya - A Crystal Beak Avian
One of many small Crystal Beak Avians that wing around the planet on a mission to spread healing and hope to all who will listen.
Contact the artist for information on Amazar Avians currently available for adoption.

Azure's Garden
High in a mountain valley once decimated by drought, an array of new grasses sprout forth, Azure has passed this way before, planting seeds of hope and renewal. Amazar Ambassadors have tended the land and through their efforts, new life has taken root.
Flocks of Crystal Beak Amazar Avians like Azure traverse the planet spreading messages of hope and goodwill and call us to action. Have you seen them yet? Drawing energy from deep within the earth’s core, Crystal Forever Gardens nurture our consciousness; cleanse the environment and our open hearts to a world of wonders. Can you feel it?

Penkara the Wing Writer
What is a Wing Writer?
Wing Writers are special Amazar Avians © that have joined with talented humans to help others chart a path to a better tomorrow. Wing Writers soar the skies with other Amazar Avians to bring forth stories that teach of hope for a better tomorrow. They are honored storytellers & scribes who chronicle tales, fables and missives that impart sage wisdom and stories that tell about the adventures and encounters of a race of Avians from realm deep within the multi-fold dimensions of time and space. They tell of flocks of Amazar Avians, Crystal Beaks, Blue Beaks, Empara, Rainbow Beaks, Borakora and representatives of dozens of other Amazar Avians species, each with special powers and attributes who have come to earth through a portal in the multiverse on a mission to help heal the planet and the inhabitants that dwell upon it.
Many of their orgional writings have been translated and will appear in the forthcoming book of Amazar Tales.
Artists Note *Look closely and you’ll discover that Wing Writers have beaks crafted from vintage calligraphy nibs

Perched among remnants of a primal forest undergoing rebirth and renewal, Ophelia, a rare Red Beak Elk Horned Owl, respected Elder, Sage and Guardian of ancient wisdoms calls out to others to share information on preserving and protecting our planet and all creature that dwell upon it.

Glenkara – Purveyor of Hope
Glenkara the Blue Beak bears witness to the damage done to ancient forests by intruders ignorant of the consequences of their actions. Drawing forth energies deep within the earth and sacred crystal clusters, he offers words of hope and renewal to all that will listen.