The Legend of the Amazar Avians as written in the Crystal Beak Chronicials
Welcome to an enchanted land where flocks of Amazar Avians flourish. Embrace a world where hope and happiness thrives and wings its way across the land.
Who are the Amazar Avians?
Where did they come from?
Why are they here?
Read on and discover the wonders it all.

Artist/Sculptor/Author Ron Isaacson talking with a flock of exceptional Amazar Avians about Amazar Tales ©

Penkara an Amazar Avian Wing Writer shares the history of the Amazar Avians as written in the Crystal Beak Chronicals.
Read on and join artist/narrator Ron Isaacson as he welcomes visitors to the amazing world of Amazar Avians

Amazar Tales © - The Legend
Tales are told of legions of Avians who flocked to earth from a distant realm deep within the folds of the universe. Dozens of Avian species have come on a mission to promote healing and hope as they winged across our land.
· Some with faceted Crystal Beaks sparkling in the morning sun.
· Some with gentle Rainbow Beaks casting soothing hues, bright and beautiful.
· Each radiating peace and overflowing with love.
With blessings from the Grand Ammazar, through the portal they came to help heal those in need & nurture the land. Families of Avians, bright with leathery plumage, burnished subtle soft. The healers, guardians, sages and the wise, the Long Beak Hummers Crystal Beaks, Red Beaks, Azure Blues, Rainbow Beaks, Corkers and others flew to answer the call.
Accompanied by the Wing Writers to chronicle their travels, their legend unfolds to those who chose to read more, to those willing listen and learn.

Amazar Avians © - "The Legend" as written in the Crystal Beak Chronicals
· Steady sobs tumbled up the mountainside from deep in the valley as unseasonal cold whistling northern winds muted their cry.
· Pinecones unable to maintain their hold dropped prematurely from the Conifers striking forest floors layered deep with brown needles.
· Gasping breaths rose from the mouth of the river and creeks almost dry bared their souls to the sky.
· Moans echoed out of caves lacing the earth as it shook exhausted and depleted.
· The fears of the newborns and elders, the weak and lame sent rippling shivers sounding across dusty and deserted landscapes.
· Yet life continued as if no one heard, or no one cared.
· Then once still voices duplicated the cries, the creatures, the children and the wayfarers all joined the chorus acknowledging the need for help.
· Finally a million-fold heart beats sounding as one, sent forth powerful vibrations strong enough to unlocked sacred portals, pulsing through and across dimensional planes to send out the call.
Is anyone out there?
Will anyone listen?

Amazar Tales© - The Offering
First came the scouts, you’ve sensed them I’m sure, darting about granting small wishes, soothing the ouches or brightening your day. Flickering through the dimensional planes they’ve gifted quick pokes with beaks formed of crystal to spark some new thoughts or stir you to play.
From the corner of your eye you’ve glimpsed them I’m sure, sensed a sweetness that lingers, or spontaneously smiled. You’ve felt something watching, felt safe through the night and seen their reflection in the eyes of a child.
Later came the gentle ones to perch on your shoulder and just beyond your vision you’ve felt them tousle your hair. You’ve felt them lift off as burdens are lessened. You’ve inhaled their essence yet nothing was there.
Soon came the sentinels with crystal beaks twinkling. Just out your window they’ll roost on the sill. They’ll perch at your table or glide through a doorway to welcome your touch and like warmth off a hearth fire they lessen the chill.
They’ve come to help healing, to balance the body and offer us hope as they nurture our hearts. Crystal Beak Avians that thrive in the gardens, the valleys, the hills, and dance to the music inspiring the arts.
They offer themselves as guides to the future, sorting through the chaos and aiding our rebirth. They flock here from worlds outside everyday thinking, offering us new ways of living on the earth.

Amazar Avian Species Identification:
Crystal Beak Avians – With clarity of spirit these Avians are committed to carrying and helping to focus healing energy, love, peace, goodwill and positive energy to those who recognize their existence.
Rainbow Beak Avians – With beaks reflecting a full spectrum of colors these Avians have the ability to tap into and enhance the healing energies and power of color, the Chakras and the many moods manifest by color.
Red Beak Avians – As Protectors and Guardians of Amazar they are dedicated to protecting other Avians and ancient sacred crystal clusters that exist throughout the universe.
Red Beak Owls– These Amazar Sages hold the ancient wisdom of the realm. They are attuned to the sacred energies of the earth and sky and offer guidance to all who are willing to listen and learn.
Wing Writers –This family of Avians are the storytellers and scribes, who for generations have written the tales of the league of Avians so others may learn and gain wisdom from them. As you move along the pathways of life you may glimpse segments from their writings stretched across the sky, in the ripples along wave-washed sandy beaches or in vague impressions on rocky mountainsides. Recently a few people have come to understand the language of the Wing Writers, translating their message and sharing their message.
Corkers– They are small but mighty helping plug riffs and ripples in the energy field that continue to disrupt the flow of positive energy and efforts of the Crystal and Rainbow Beak Avians.
Minstrels – These are a special flock of Avians whose sounds and actions are tuned to vibrational frequencies that promote healing. Among them are Long Beak Hummers, Tweeters and Flappers who savor the sweetness of life around Forever Gardens and share happy thoughts as they flitter and hover around peoples windows and doorways.
Azure Blue Beak Avians– These gentle Avians are known as the arbitrators of disputes using their powers to softening anger and despair and mute damage done by others ignorant of the consequences of their actions.
Empara - As gifted empaths and emissaries from Amazar they are able to asses the spirit of the land and its inhabitants. Their exceptional size and endurance allows them to routinely wing their way through portals of time and space transporting information between the Grand Ammazar and flocks of Amazar Avians scattered across galactic universes.
Visit this site often and join our mailing list for information on other species of Amazar Avians and other amazing Amazarians

Amazar Avian Habitats
Crystal Clusters– Found throughout the universe, Amazar Avians seek out special cluster of crystals for nourishment and to recharge their healing energy. Through them they can also communicate with others from Amazar sharing information about activities on the planet. Special Crystal Clusters may attract flocks of Avians or enable them focus or enhance their energies.
Avian Nests – Often found near earths Ley Lines, inter-dimensional portals, areas pure of spirit, high mountain forests, hidden Forever Gardens, valleys, rivers and streams that connect with ancient crystal caverns deep within the earth. They provide Avians with a place to rest and rejuvenate and often serve as a gathering place to orient new arrivals from Amazar.
Amazar Avians enjoy the company of people around the planet and find happy homes around plants and where people congregate.
Follow the Adventures of the Amazar Avians and discover how you can bring one into your life.

Amazar Avian Tail Feathers
Legend has it that fallen Amazar Avian tail feathers carry the spirit within each special Amazar Avian species. Each feather radiating peace and overflowing with Love
Clustered together with other sacred objects they serve as Ceremonial Totems to: Promote healing, Intensify memories, anchor desires and strengthen the bonds of friendship.
You may have heard the phrase...”Find a feather pick it up and all day you’ll have good luck..”
Avians being creatures of the sky are thought to be divine because they soar closer to the heavens. In many ancient cultures their sacred feathers are symbols of higher thought and spiritual progression.
Across the planet legends and myths say that finding a feather is a message that you are traveling on a higher spiritual path and a sign of encouragement. Others consider it symbolic that we should cherish each little thing that brings joy into our life when we find it.
Amazar Avian Ceremonial & Friendship Feathers make great gifts and personal totems. They each come with instructions on how to energize their spirits.
Click on the shop heading from the menu at the top of this website to find out how you can acquire an Amazar Ceremonial Feather

Amazar Avian Landscapes
From the realm of Amazar Avians and an art studio on the top of a mystic mountain come a collection of one-of-a-kind leather landscapes destined to appear on pages of Amazar Tales.
* Artist note - Many of my landscapes are designed to serve as backdrops for short stories or messages from Amazar and will appear throughout this website and on pages of forthcoming Amazar Tales.